CTDA’s Update on Pandemic Relief Advocacy
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 5 PM EST via Zoom
After almost a year of lobbying for an economic relief package for our industry, and with the guidance of Lobbyist Hillary Jochmans, who the CTDA retained to represent our Association and the industry at-large on Capitol Hill and within the Economic Bridge Coalition, we received the great news that Congress is actively discussing an additional relief package. The CTDA will continue to advocate for fairer treatment and desperately needed relief from the federal government!
Many industry groups left out of special programs and grants, that were offered to restaurants, shuttered venues and theaters, are aggressively lobbying to be included this time and have activated their members to contact federal representatives. Their voices are loud and many and ours need to be too!
This is a critical moment, and though we continue our advocacy, we need your help NOW.
Join us for this important session with Lobbyist Jochmans for an update on our advocacy efforts and learn how you can get involved to make a difference.
- Hilary F. Jochmans of Jochmans Consulting of Washington, DC
- Dara Lamb of Dara Lamb Custom of New York City and Westport, CT and CTDA Marketing Chair
- D-D Lazenby, Executive Director of the CTDA
- Luke Mayes of Dormeuil and CTDA President