The CTDA moves forward with efforts to secure additional stimulus money for our industry

A message from Alan Rouleau |
Some weeks ago, with the approval of the CTDA’s board of directors, we started an initiative to get our voices heard in government, urging both Congress and the Senate to recognize that our trade has experienced revenue losses of 50 – 70% and more since March of 2020 due to the pandemic related shutdowns. In addition, some of our members, whose sole business is based on custom clothing, have been shuttered completely. “Adjacent” industries we heavily rely on, that have also been injured by the shutdowns, received adequate financial help. We are demanding that our industry receives the equivalent. I want you to know we are hard at work representing you and making our voice as an industry heard. Let me spell out the progress we’ve made thus far. The CTDA retained a Legislative Consultant and Lobbyist to represent us on Capitol Hill and she has been successful in securing key meetings with: 1) New York State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s legislative team 2) Congressman Joe Morelle and his staff We are happy to report our pleas were met with open ears. While we can’t promise anything, we’ve at least got the dialogue underway, and are hopeful for future meetings to continue the conversation. The initial conversation not only focused on our immediate asks for a PPP classification adjustment and additional monies, but also on long-term support of our trade’s domestic manufacturing as part of the coming infrastructure bill, workforce issues, projected growth, sustainability, keeping jobs here, hiring minorities, etc. Next steps: We are currently developing a partnership with The Economic Bridge Coalition (EBC) that represents small businesses and trade associations across the country that have been hit hard by the pandemic. All of these businesses share one common theme. They have lost income that cannot be recovered, and they have a longer runway than most businesses before they can return to pre-pandemic business activity. In joining this coalition, we are hoping this will yield recognition of “more voices being heard.” and deliver fast action pandemic economic relief. The Economic Bridge Coalition is working with Members of Congress on legislative proposals today. CTDA Membership: If you are not a member of our Association, now is the time to get behind our mission. Learn about our membership benefits and how to join at If you’ve been a CTDA member, please double check that your membership has not lapsed in 2021 by checking your status on our website in the ‘membership directory” at If your company does not appear, it means you need to renew by clicking here: We are taking the lead and now is the time to join our effort as a CTDA member! Please call our office with any questions (888) 248-2832. In gratitude, Alan Rouleau President, CTDA Founder, Alan Rouleau Couture, Boston MA |

Volunteers Needed to Support Our Industry
If you have a custom clothing business and/or conducing custom clothing manufacturing in the USA, and are willing to join us in standing up to propose legislation to help our trade, please let us know.
Please email the CTDA’s Executive Director, D-D Lazenby, at

Special Thanks
A sincere thank you to our committee members for their deterination and unwavering support to better our trade Association and Industry. They have been involved in all of the meetings to collectively share their industry expertise and explore these legislative topics further.
Dara Lamb (CTDA Board Member) – Founder, Dara Lamb Couture and one of the sole champions of women’s custom clothing.
Arnie Roberti (CTDA Past President) – President of Adrian Jules Custom Clothing and a tireless innovator in our trade.
An additional thanks for contributing counsel goes out to these CTDA members: Mitch Gambert, Mel Gambert Shirts & Past President of the CTDA and James Williams, A Stylish Way of Life